Your Charts
Scenario Charts
You can view Charts for any of these Scenario variables.
- Asset Allocation - Advanced
- Asset Allocation - Basic
- Average Price Resiliency™ Dollar
- Average Price Resiliency™ Dollar of Rentals
- Average Price Resiliency™ Percent
- Average Price Resiliency™ Percent of Rentals
- Average Rent Resiliency™ Dollar
- Average Rent Resiliency™ Percent
- Debt-To-Income
- Effective Income Tax Rate
- Equity Allocation™
- Goal: % of 2 X Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (2XITMIR) Achieved
- Goal: % of Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (ITMIR) Achieved
- Goal: % of Minimum Target Monthly Income in Retirement (MTMIR) Achieved
- Goal: Month First Achieved 2 X Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (2XITMIR)
- Goal: Month First Achieved Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (ITMIR)
- Goal: Month First Achieved Minimum Target Monthly Income in Retirement (MTMIR)
- Gross Passive Income
- Gross Paychecks
- Gross Paychecks and Passive Income
- Gross Paychecks vs Personal Expenses Excluding Real Estate
- Gross Paychecks vs Personal Expenses Including Real Estate
- Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (ITMIR)
- Inflated Dollar Value
- Inflation Rate
- Minimum Gross Monthly Income Required
- Minimum Gross Monthly Income Required vs Gross Paychecks
- Minimum Target Monthly Income in Retirement (MTMIR)
- Months Of Reserves
- Months to $100K
- Months to $1MM
- Mortgage Interest Rate
- Net Worth Shown Above
- Number of Properties Owned
- Number of Properties Paid Off
- Number of Properties Purchased
- Number of Properties Refinanced
- Number of Properties Sold
- Passive Income After Tax
- Paychecks After Tax
- Paychecks After Tax vs Personal Expenses Excluding Real Estate
- Paychecks After Tax vs Personal Expenses Including Real Estate
- Paychecks and Passive Income
- Paychecks and Passive Income After Tax vs Personal Expenses Including Real Estate
- Personal Expenses Excluding Real Estate
- Personal Expenses Including Real Estate
- Phases of Financial Independence™
- Property Management Fees vs True Cash Flow™
- Reserves
- Return in Dollars (Cash Flow From Depreciation™)
- Return in Dollars (Gross Depreciation)
- Return on Equity (Cash Flow from Depreciation™)
- Return on Equity (Gross Depreciation)
- Return on Investment (Cash Flow from Depreciation™)
- Return on Investment (Gross Depreciation)
- Total "Cash Out Refi" Equity
- Total "Sell With Agent" Equity
- Total Price Resiliency™ Dollar
- Total Price Resiliency™ Dollar of Rentals
- Total Price Resiliency™ Percent
- Total Price Resiliency™ Percent of Rentals
- Total Rent Resiliency™ Dollar
- Total Rent Resiliency™ Percent
- Total True Cash Flow™
- Total True Cash Flow™ vs (Total Account Balances x Monthly SWR)
- Total True Cash Flow™ ÷ Monthly Safe Withdrawal Rate
- Total True Net Equity™
- Total True Spendable Investment Income™
- Total Accessible "Cash Out Refi" Equity
- Total Accessible "Sell With Agent" Equity
- Total Account Balances
- Total Account Balances vs True Net Equity™
- Total Account Balances vs Total True Cash Flow™
- Total Account Balances X Monthly Safe Withdrawal Rate
- Total Cap Rate
- Total Cap Rate If Sold
- Total Capital Gains Tax When Selling
- Total Cash Flow
- Total Cash Flow vs (Total Account Balances x Monthly SWR)
- Total Cash Flow vs Personal Expenses Excluding Real Estate
- Total Cash Flow vs Personal Expenses Including Real Estate
- Total Cash Flow with Depreciation
- Total Cash Flow ÷ Monthly Safe Withdrawal Rate
- Total Closing Cost When Selling
- Total Cost as Percent to Access True Net Equity™
- Total Cost to Access True Net Equity™
- Total Cumulative (True Cash Flow™ vs Property Management Fees)
- Total Cumulative (Invested and Negative Cash Flow)
- Total Cumulative True Cash Flow™
- Total Cumulative Cash Flow
- Total Cumulative Cash Flow After Capital Expenses
- Total Cumulative Cash Flow With Depreciation
- Total Cumulative Depreciation
- Total Cumulative Negative True Cash Flow™
- Total Cumulative Negative Cash Flow
- Total Cumulative Property Management Fees
- Total Debt To Account Balance
- Total Debt To Net Worth
- Total Depreciation Recapture Tax When Selling
- Total Equity
- Total Invested in Rentals
- Total Invested in Rentals Including Negative Cash Flow
- Total Monthly Rents
- Total Mortgage Balances
- Total Mortgage Payments of Rentals
- Total Net Operating Income
- Total Property Management Fees
- Total Property Values
- Total Property Values Just Rentals
- Total Real Estate Commission When Selling
- Total Return on Equity
- Total Return on Equity of Rentals
- Total ROE from Cash Flow from Depreciation™
- Total ROE from Appreciation
- Total ROE from Appreciation on Rentals
- Total ROE from Cash Flow on Rentals
- Total ROE from Debt Paydown
- Total ROE from Debt Paydown on Rentals
- Total ROE from Depreciation on Rentals
- Total ROI from Cash Flow from Depreciation™
- Total ROI from Appreciation
- Total ROI from Appreciation on Rentals
- Total ROI from Cash Flow on Rentals
- Total ROI from Debt Paydown on Rentals
- Total ROI from Depreciation on Rentals
- Total Saved
- Total Saved From Paychecks
- Total Spendable Investment Income
- True Net Worth™
- Yearly Safe Withdrawal Rate
Account Charts
You can view Charts for any of these Account variables and compare them to other Accounts in the same Scenario.
Property Charts
You can view Charts for any of these Owned Property variables and compare them to other Owned Properties in the same Scenario.
- Appreciation
- Appreciation Rate
- Break-Even Ratio
- Breakeven Rent
- Breakeven Rent With Debt Paydown
- Breakeven Rent With No Depreciation
- Breakeven Rent With No Property Management
- Breakeven Rent With Property Manager
- CapEx Appreciation Rate
- Capital Expenditures (CapEx)
- Capital Gains Tax in Dollars
- Capital Gains Tax Rate
- Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)
- Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate) If Sold
- Cash Flow
- Cash Flow After CapEx
- Cash Flow From Depreciation™
- Cash Flow With Depreciation
- Cash On Cash Return On Investment
- Cash On Cash Return On Investment After CapEx
- Cash Out Refi Equity
- Closing Cost When Selling
- Closing Cost When Selling in Dollars
- Closing Costs (Dollar)
- Closing Costs (Percent)
- Cost as Percent to Access True Net Equity™
- Cost to Access True Net Equity™
- Cumulative Cash Flow
- Cumulative Depreciation
- Cumulative Negative Cash Flow
- Cumulative Negative True Cash Flow™
- Cumulative Property Management
- Debt Service Coverage Ratio
- Depreciation
- Depreciation Recapture Tax in Dollars
- Depreciation Recapture Tax Rate
- Down Payment (Dollar)
- Down Payment (Percent)
- Drop Private Mortgage Insurance Loan-To-Value
- Equity
- Gross Operating Income
- Gross Potential Income
- Gross Rent Multiplier
- HOA Appreciation Rate
- Land Value at Purchase
- Loan-To-Value
- Maintenance
- Maintenance Rate
- Mortgage Balance
- Mortgage Interest
- Mortgage Interest Rate
- Mortgage Payment
- Mortgage Payment ÷ Mortgage Balance
- Mortgage Principal
- Net Operating Income
- Number of Months Owned
- Number of Months Remaining On Mortgage
- Number of Months Rented
- Operating Expenses
- Operating Ratio
- Other Expense 1
- Other Expense 1 Appreciation Rate
- Other Expense 2
- Other Expense 2 Appreciation Rate
- Other Income
- Other Income Appreciation Rate
- Price Resiliency™ Dollar
- Price Resiliency™ Percent
- Private Mortgage Insurance Dollar
- Private Mortgage Insurance Rate
- Property Insurance
- Property Insurance Rate
- Property Management
- Property Management Rate
- Property Taxes
- Property Taxes Rate
- Property Values
- Real Estate Commission
- Real Estate Commission in Dollars
- Rent
- Rent Appreciation Rate
- Rent Ready Costs
- Rent Resiliency™ Dollar
- Rent Resiliency™ Percent
- Return On Equity
- Return on Equity from Cash Flow From Depreciation™
- Return on Equity from Appreciation
- Return on Equity from Cash Flow
- Return on Equity from Debt Paydown
- Return on Equity from Depreciation
- Sell With Agent Equity
- Seller Concessions (Dollar)
- Seller Concessions (Percent)
- Total Cost to Close
- True Cash Flow™
- True Cash On Cash ROI
- True Net Equity™
- Utilities
- Utilities Appreciation Rate
- Vacancy
- Vacancy Rate