All ModelsWashington25% Down Payment Non-Owner-Occupant as Renter

Highlighting all cities in Washington for
25% Down Payment Non-Owner-Occupant as Renter

Buy up to 10 non-owner-occupant properties with 25% down payments, but never buy an owner-occupant property. Remain a renter instead.

Net Worth

The following shows Net Worth for 25% Down Payment Non-Owner-Occupant as Renter at 40 years (month 480) for all the different cities in Washington.

Month First Achieved Financial Independence

The following shows how many months it takes to achieve financial independence for 25% Down Payment Non-Owner-Occupant as Renter for all the different cities in Washington.

Speed to Financial Independence vs Property Value (ARV)

Is it impossible to achieve financial independence (lean FIRE) in cities where home prices are higher?

The chart below compares how long it takes to achieve financial independence (lean FIRE) compared to the price of properties in that city (After Repair Value or ARV).

Net Worth vs Property Value (ARV)

Does a higher initial property value mean overall higher net worth? Or, lower net worth? By how much?

Net Worth vs Ran Out of Money

How does running out of money correlate to net worth?

Detailed Washington City-Specific Modeling

Check out the detailed modeling for these Washington cities.
